Corona, cold or flu? This is how the typical symptoms differ

  • fromJuliane Gutmann


Winter is cold season – but cough and fever are also typical corona symptoms. A medical professional explains how to differentiate between the common cold, flu and Covid-19.

  • A year ago it was clear: anyone who coughs and sniffed has caught a cold or the flu. But in times of Corona, many are unsettled and ask themselves: How can I differentiate between flu, flu-like infection and Covid-19?
  • Where are patients if you have a real flu virus * Feeling bad suddenly and usually having much more serious symptoms than with a flu-like infection, there are other distinguishing features with regard to Covid-19.
  • Medical journalist Dr. Christoph Specht explains, how to recognize Covid-19.

Are you one of those people who gets at least one cold in autumn and winter? You are not alone: ​​Cold temperatures are immune to flu and cold viruses and heating air and cold ensure that the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose are less well supplied with blood and the body is therefore more susceptible to pathogens. In 2020, a new question was added to the question of how to distinguish a flu-like infection from the real flu: namely, how to recognize Covid-19. The treacherous: The symptoms of the three diseases are sometimes extremely similar.

In the eyes of medical journalist Dr. Christoph Specht not difficult. In an interview with ZDF he said: “If you think it is possible to go to the doctor with your symptoms, you probably don’t have the flu”. The real flu always comes very suddenly within a few hours and is accompanied by a high fever, chills and an extreme feeling of illness. A flu-like infection, on the other hand, announces itself with a runny nose, headache or other cold symptoms and does not break out suddenly – this is also the case with Covid-19. “A sudden onset speaks much more for flu than for corona,” says Specht. But how can you also differentiate between a coronavirus infection?

also read: If you notice this corona symptom, see a doctor immediately – even fit young people are affected.

Flu or Corona: “So if someone sneezes, that speaks more against Corona”

With a coronavirus infection, those affected would rather show few symptoms in the first week. If the body cannot cope with the viral load and develops Covid-19, a number of complaints can arise for those affected. According to Specht, however, a cold is not a typical Covid-19 symptom and rather suggests a cold. “So if someone sneezes, that speaks more against Corona”, according to the ZDF health expert. Coughing, on the other hand, can speak for flu, flu-like infection and corona. But there is one symptom that is primarily attributed to Covid-19: the loss of smell and taste. “Often this disorder is even the first symptom before any other,” says Specht. With Covid-19, this disorder would occur suddenly and last for a long time, as coronaviruses attack the corresponding nerve cells. Shortness of breath is also a typical corona symptom. Dr. Specht sums up: “Slow onset of illness with olfactory and taste disorders, often with fever and cough, especially with shortness of breath (speaks) more for Corona”. (jg) * is part of the nationwide Ippen digital editorial network.

Continue reading: Shortness of breath due to Corona long after the mild course of the disease – doctors warn of “trivializing the pandemic”

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