Corona: About the fight after waking up – Bavaria

Michael Krone, 73 years old, actor and director, is a man like an oak tree – strong, stocky, vital. An oak that was almost felled. Doctors fought for his life for weeks, initially not sure whether they could win this fight against Corona. What happened in the first week in the Schongau hospital, Krone only knows from stories. “My daughters received a call. They said, ‘If you want to see your father alive, come over.’ It was tight, “he says. It stayed tight. The story of a Covid-19 patient who would no longer live without a ventilator, but then had to fight the consequences of his long artificial ventilation: pneumonia, the failure of vital organs, blood poisoning and the latent risk of infection – also from intestinal bacteria that result from intensive tube feeding from the intestines to the rest of the body.


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