COP26 in Glasgow: “The UN climate summit cannot solve the most pressing human problem”

In Glasgow, around 200 countries discussed and argued for two weeks about measures to combat climate change. What did the meeting bring? The press comments on the UN climate conference.

The UN climate conference in Scotland heralded the global farewell to coal. For the first time in the history of the world climate summit, there was a consensus among the 200 or so countries, even if it was watered down at the last minute under pressure from China and India. So what did the meeting bring? Was it just “Blah Blah Blah”, as climate activist Greta Thunberg put it, or an important step, but not enough, as UN Secretary General António Guterres said? Or is it the breakthrough?

This is how the press sees the event:

“Southgerman newspaper”

“Many saw something like the last chance in the fight against global warming in Glasgow. They will be disappointed. Others have wished for steps on the way out of the greatest planetary crisis. These steps exist. Because the conference is opening a new chapter in The states are moving away from the controversy over the small print and towards very specific steps. How the chapter will end is uncertain. But it describes a departure. “

“Reutlinger General-Anzeiger”

“But it is also clear: So far, they have all been declarations of intent that are written on paper that is known to be patient. These intentions only become valuable when they are put into practice. what is agreed at such conferences. It will probably take a number of mass demonstrations, natural disasters and price explosions before the states of the world agree on the measures that are really necessary to save this earth. “


“Glasgow failed to provide the poor countries with sufficient financial resources so that they can adapt to climate change. The sums are to be doubled from 2025 compared to 2019. However, there were no further commitments From the point of view of the countries already severely affected by climate change, this cannot be satisfactory, nor that the 100 billion dollars per year promised to developing countries in 2020 are still not received from the rich industrialized countries were collected. “

“Baden Latest News”

“The 26th attempt by the global community to save our planet ended just like all 25 previous conferences: With declarations of intent that were softened to the point of being unrecognizable and that would not help the developing countries such as Bangladesh, which are particularly affected by climate change, and vice versa, the climate activists from Fridays for Future to Driving Extinction Rebellion to the barricades. The disappointment of the young generation about the lukewarm formulation of the entry into the coal phase out is understandable. “

“Mitteldeutsche Zeitung”

“Of course it is good that China and the USA, which are watching each other on so many levels, have at least come together on the subject of the climate. But that too is a shaky success. Should Donald Trump or one of his no less fact-resistant apologists in three years If you become president again, the agreement will be swept aside. Trump has already canceled a climate agreement. So even to counteract his destructiveness, more commitment would be necessary. This also applies to financial commitments to those countries that will be the first to experience climate change. “

“Nürnberger Zeitung”

“In contrast to activists, who can concentrate on admonishing, demanding and blaming, politics is still the art of the possible – the more interests have to be reconciled, the more difficult it becomes. It can be more difficult than at climate protection conferences but hardly be political business. “

“Frankfurter Rundschau”

“Glasgow has confirmed what has been emerging for years. The structure of the UN climate process alone cannot solve the most pressing human problem. It only provides the framework within which, at best, states can be motivated to become more ambitious. There will only be real progress when pioneering alliances are formed that other countries pull with them. There were important approaches here at the summit. Above all, the surprising announcement by China and the USA that they want to lead the way in reducing greenhouse gas emissions despite other differences. The two are number one and two for global emissions. Cooperation between industrialized and emerging countries will also be very important, in which the rich countries are heavily co-financing the energy transition in the global south, as agreed with South Africa and India or at the end of the financing of fossil energy projects can give an additional boost. “

“Stuttgarter Nachrichten”

“When major powers like China or India stand up against each other, unsatisfactory resolutions are better than none at all. The decisive factor for the success or failure of global climate policy are not individual conferences and their final declarations. Rather, it is the determination of all states to actually massively reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.” to steadily increase one’s own goals. Climate policy needs further pressure from civil society. And it needs drivers who set a good example themselves and become international role models. This is a role that seems made for Germany and its partners in Europe. “


“More detailed stipulations would be desirable, but could not be achieved in Glasgow. The decisive factor for success or failure is not individual conferences, but the determination of all states to actually massively reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. This is a problem in many places. Climate policy needs drivers who set a good example themselves and become an international role model. That is a role that would be made for Germany and its partners in Europe. “

“Wiesbaden Courier”

“Urgent issues have to be put on the agenda again and again, even if in the end hosts are enthusiastic about the success and activists are disappointed. A well-known ritual that Greta Thunberg, with her conclusion in the three words” blah, blah, blah “, overstates it is far more than nothing that was agreed in Glasgow, for example the step-by-step coal phase-out, worldwide, and now everyone in the individual countries can show how serious they really are about climate protection by stepping up the pace on the ground We urgently need role models and climate nerd, the more the better. Whether Germany is seriously one of them will soon be seen from the results of the coalition negotiations. “

“Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung”

“If climate protection is seen as a competitive advantage, then something is definitely going ahead. The fact that the Federation of German Industries has criticized the result as disappointing gives hope. The next federal government will not release it from the task of putting a serious climate package together. It should actually be earth-shattering. “

“New Osnabrück Newspaper”

“What use are all the lofty goals of the World Climate Conference in Glasgow if large consumers like India and China do not want to be committed to phasing out coal in the end, but only to reducing the use of coal? In other words: You can go on like this for now So far. You don’t have to be a prophet to predict: Glasgow will give the climate protection movement a new impetus. The industrialized countries in particular are under pressure to change radically. Because they have the money to invest in climate protection. And they have the technologies that it takes to end the fossil fuel era. The coming federal government must also set an example. A climate cabinet that is ready to lead the way into a new era is needed. “


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