Cooking Tip: Avoid These Three Microwave Mistakes

See in the video: Kitchen Tip – Avoid These Three Microwave Mistakes.

These 3 microwave mistakes have happened to everyone

The hunger is great, time is short: the microwave saves valuable minutes.

Operating a microwave is actually very simple.

Still, everyone has made these three mistakes:


Place the food in the middle

There is a dead zone in the middle of the microwave because hardly any waves are emitted there.

So place the plate on the edge of the turntable.


The wrong dishes

Microwave-safe dishes are marked as such.

Under no circumstances should metal be put in the microwave as it can cause fire.

This risk also applies to dishes with gold or silver decorations.


Lack of stirring

For longer cooking times, stir the dish several times so that the heat is distributed.

Also, be sure to stir again before consuming.

Now you can heat up your dishes even more efficiently. Bon Appetit!

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