Converters, travel… Twenty years after it was put into circulation, what memories do you have of our currency?

Happy birthday! In a few days, on February 18 precisely, it will be 20 years exactly since we switched from the franc to our current currency: the euro. At the time, the idea goes back to February 7, 1992, with the Treaty of Maastricht, which sets out the objective of creating a common European currency. This was followed by the drawing competition for our future coins, the creation of the European Central Bank, the display of prices in euros and francs in shops, and the fateful date of February 17 at midnight, when the euro officially became the only currency. legal.

If, today, we do not ask ourselves too many questions when going to checkout, this has not always been the case. To pay for your purchases, no contactless card, you have to rack your brains and do mental arithmetic. One euro is equivalent to 6.55957 francs. Some use mnemonic methods to convert, others give up. We criticize the rise in prices caused by the changeover to the euro, and we praise the ease of traveling with this new currency.

And you, what memories do you have of the euro? What were your techniques for converting francs into euros? Until when did you keep this habit? Have you ever made miscalculations? Do you remember your first purchase in euros? Has this changed your travel habits or exchanges with other countries in the euro zone? Are you nostalgic for the franc? Did you keep a piece as a souvenir? For the youngest, born during this period, what memories do you keep?

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