Controversial diplomat: Selenskyj dismisses Ambassador Melnyk

As of: 07/09/2022 5:53 p.m

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy has recalled his country’s ambassador to Germany, Melnyk. The corresponding decree was announced on the website of the Ukrainian Presidential Office.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has dismissed Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk. That’s going out a decree of the President’s Office in Kyiv out.

There had already been speculation that Melnyk would be recalled soon. Several media reported last week that he could move to the Foreign Ministry in Kyiv.

Ambassador to Germany since 2015

Melnyk has been ambassador to Germany since January 2015 – an exceptionally long time for a diplomat. He had caused a stir in recent months with his sharp criticism of the federal government. Among other things, he accused Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and his ministers of being too hesitant to deliver weapons to fight the Russian attackers in Ukraine.

He was recently criticized for statements about the Ukrainian nationalist and anti-Semite Stepan Bandera. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry then distanced itself.

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