Continuing education: Finding the right courses and funding

Further training on the job is important: technology changes quickly, as does business models – and thus the demands placed on employees. But what forms of further training are offered? And what funding are there?

Finished your apprenticeship, successfully completed your university – and learned everything you need for your professional life? Certainly not, because technical progress, new software and hardware and changed requirements have an impact on everyday work. Those who do not continue to learn will be left behind. And: Additional or in-depth qualifications increase career opportunities.

Further training is therefore an important component in the world of work. And yet many do not take advantage of these opportunities. This is probably also due to the confusion of the offers. Dozens of providers organize courses, and seminars at employers are also offered. And then there are also universities with courses.

Anyone interested in further training should first ask themselves: What do I want to achieve? An additional qualification that is useful in everyday work? Or would I like to develop myself professionally in order to work on a topic for which I have not yet been qualified?

The Stiftung Warentest has a “Training guide“, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education. There, interested parties must first clarify a few questions:

1. Where am I?

2. What is my goal?

3. What do I need?

4. How do I want to learn?

5. Where can I find offers?

6. Which offer suits me?

The first steps towards further training

Employees should answer these and similar questions before looking for further training opportunities. Otherwise the qualification measure will be a failure. Either you are quickly overwhelmed (with yourself or the time invested in further training), you get bored (because the course is more suitable for beginners) or you decide on a course that simply does not fit (because it is only available online, for example is offered). Therefore, you should locate where you stand, what you can do – and what goal you are pursuing.

Which portals help?

Finding the right course is tedious. A whole series of search engines on the net merely list the further training offers. The Ministry of Education has had its own search engine developed. That helps with the initial orientation, because the platform “IWWB“is independent. Anyone who wants to study part-time at a university will join the University compass find it.

Further training at the employer

The easiest way is probably to complete further training at your own employer. Larger companies in particular offer various courses for their employees. Training of new PC programs or courses in order to be able to give better lectures are among them. Many corporations are now also qualifying their employees when it comes to new work models.

For whom the offer is worthwhile: Those who do not want to spare a lot of time and do not want to invest in further training themselves will do well with this offer. However, it must also be clear that these courses only fill small gaps in knowledge and do not result in any far-reaching new qualifications.

Further training at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The chambers of industry and commerce have bundled their training opportunities. Interested parties will not only find offers there, but can also get advice on which further training suits them. Whether the basics of payroll accounting, time management or the master’s program in motor transport – in the Database A variety of courses are offered. Depending on the length and intensity of the courses, they also cost: Anyone attending the “Data Protection in the Tourism Industry” course in Berlin pays around 350 euros for the one-day seminar. The part-time evening course with the aim of the IHK as a business specialist lasts for a year and costs around 4900 euros.

For whom the offer is worthwhile: The simple, inexpensive courses are worthwhile for many professional groups. Of the Course finder allows you to search for your place of residence. In the more intensive courses, the offer is aimed more at craftsmen or commercial professions.

Professional training at universities and colleges

Germany’s universities also offer further training opportunities – because the business is lucrative. The extra-occupational certificate courses or master’s degree courses are aimed at employees who either want to acquire a further qualification or want to give their professional life a new direction through further studies. Studies are carried out via distance learning, part-time in the evening or on the weekends. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of time to find out which courses are offered. Because every university has its own offer. The Hamburg University currently offers a part-time program Master’s degree in health management at. Those who are interested, however, have to know: The course lasts 18 months plus a further 12 months for the master’s thesis. The time required is 640 hours in three semesters. Cost: 13,800 euros. Also at the University of Bayreuth an MBA Health Care is offered. Interested parties pay 4,300 euros there.

For whom it is worthwhile: Admittedly – the course fees at the universities are sometimes steep. To do this, you get an (internationally) recognized qualification there. This is particularly interesting for people who have completed vocational training but have not attended a university. Interested parties should take a close look at funding opportunities. Many universities now also offer installment payments.

Further training with private educational institutions

In addition to universities, there are other educational institutions that offer further training. The adult education centers are one of them. But also that TÜV Nord offers courses – people who are interested in retraining can also find what they are looking for here. The lists other providers Federal agency for work and also the Stiftung Warentest on. Because: There are around 600,000 further training opportunities in Germany.

Do further training online

The internet makes it possible: If you have little time or work in shifts, you can simply complete the training online. Courses can be chosen on learning platforms, a virtual classroom and chats replace the group dynamics. The courses are offered by many providers, including the IHK or the Fernuni Hagen. The business magazine “Business Punk” recommends ten providers. There, interested parties can also find courses that are not necessarily considered to be classic advanced training – but which broaden their own horizons in the world of work.

For whom it is worthwhile: Not everyone is the online course type. Because they only work if the employee takes on a certain amount of responsibility. They do save time – you have to work in a disciplined manner for that. You can tell if you can do that with the STry the self-test of the training guide.

Use state funding programs

Depending on the duration and effort, the advanced training courses also cost money. However, there are some government funding programs: That Promotion ticket supports those who want to obtain a further degree, regardless of age. Financing of up to 15,000 euros is possible, however 40 percent of the funding is offered through a cheap KfW loan.

the Education bonus is for people who cannot afford further training due to the low salary. This applies to people who do not earn more than 20,000 euros a year. But mothers and fathers on parental leave or people on nursing leave can also receive a bonus voucher with which “half of the event fee up to a maximum of 500 euros” is covered.

That Further education grant is for young talents under the age of 25 who have completed vocational training. “The funding includes grants for the costs of professional or interdisciplinary advanced training in the amount of a maximum of 7200 euros, spread over three funding years. it says at the Federal Ministry of Education.

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