Continuation of the epidemic in all regions

It is another evil that is taking emergency rooms by storm as the fifth wave of coronavirus is coming to the fore. The bronchiolitis epidemic, active in all regions of metropolitan France, continues everywhere and risks being marked this winter after a blank year linked to Covid-19. Common and highly contagious, bronchiolitis causes babies to cough and difficult, rapid, wheezing. Most of the time benign, it may however require a visit to the emergency room, or even hospitalization.

A reduction in the passage to emergencies to be put into perspective

In children under two years old, the main age group struck by this disease, the indicators however decreased during the week of November 7, specify the health authorities, who for several weeks had reported a strong increase. But this decrease (-22% of emergency visits) “could be transitory with the end of school holidays and the public holiday” of November 11, they qualify. Of the 3,247 children under two seen in the emergency room for bronchiolitis, 2,895 (89%) were under one year of age and 1,156 (36%) were hospitalized. Of the 1,156 children hospitalized, 1,079 (93%) were under one year of age.

Last winter, confinements and anti-Covid barrier gestures helped block all viruses, including RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), responsible for bronchiolitis. The children were then less infected than usual and are therefore less immunized collectively, which raises fears of a stronger epidemic this year. This phenomenon could also concern other winter viruses, including those of gastroenteritis or influenza, which is limited for the moment to “sporadic cases”.

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