Contemplation and incomprehension after the dismissal

Two commemorations on Saturday marked the sixth anniversary of the terrible bus accident in Puisseguin (Gironde) which left 43 dead, mainly retirees, the day after a court decision removing the prospect of a trial, to the chagrin of families.

More than a hundred people gathered in the morning for wreath laying on the stele where the names of the missing are engraved, overlooking the site of the accident, near Libourne. Another time of meditation was organized there at the end of the afternoon with a few dozen people, including local elected officials and François Hollande.

“Extremely painful memories” declares François Hollande

“For the parents of the victims, the survivors, the elected officials, the President (of the Republic) that I was at that time, these are extremely painful memories,” said François Hollande. “The intention of elected officials, families, is to go to the end of the investigations (…) and that the administration draws all the lessons in terms of accidents”.

On the morning of October 23, 2015, near Puisseguin, a semi-trailer arriving at 75 km / h had shifted to the left and jacketed before colliding with an oncoming bus. The bus was quickly engulfed in flames and toxic fumes and the passengers, with the exception of eight survivors, were burned alive or suffocated. This is the deadliest coach accident in France since 1982 (Beaune, 53 dead).

In 2017, the administrative investigation had attributed “the direct cause” of the accident to “a loss of control” of the driver of the truck, who died in the accident with his three-year-old child.

“Why aren’t they looking for more? “

Judging the driver solely responsible for the accident, the investigating magistrate of Libourne, who has never pronounced an indictment, issued an order of dismissal, announced Friday and probably closing the door to a trial. The prosecution nevertheless appealed, as did the lawyers of the Collective of victims of Puisseguin (CVP).

“Why this dismissal? Why aren’t they looking for more? Why this fire? », Reacted Saturday Madeleine, a survivor questioned. “I thought we would one day know… I would like to know how these coaches are built, with what. Why this product that caused it to burn right away? “

Relatives of the victims “think of an injustice”, assured Michel Vigier, president of the CVP. “It was a human fault that led to the accident, we all agree on that. (The truck driver) was going too fast. But on the other hand the investigation reveals a certain number of anomalies which we absolutely do not take into account ”, such as the installation of an additional tank on the semi-trailer.

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