Contamination on the rise, hospitalizations still on the decline

Coronavirus contaminations continued to rise on Saturday in France while the decline in the number of hospitalized patients continued, according to the latest data from Public Health France. After a drop in June, contaminations have been on the rise for several days, under the pressure of the Delta variant, more contagious than the previous strains of the virus.

The positivity rate, which measures the percentage of people who have tested positive out of all the people who have taken a test, is 1.1% (1% the day before). On the hospital front, the numbers continue to drop. A total of 7,183 Covid patients are hospitalized (including 101 admitted in the last 24 hours) in the country, against 7,275 on Friday and 7,912 a week ago.

The most serious cases below the 1,000 mark

The trend also remains downward in critical care services which treat the most serious cases, with 947 patients (including 9 new admissions) against 953 the day before. This key indicator, which peaked at 6,000 patients at the peak of the third wave at the end of April, fell below the 1,000 mark on Wednesday.

The disease killed 19 people in 24 hours, bringing the total death toll to 111,350 since the start of the epidemic in March 2020. Since the start of the vaccination campaign, 35,722,248 people have received at least one injection (i.e. 53 % of the total population) and 27,255,605 people are fully vaccinated (40.4% of the total population).

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