Conspirators in action

Mia, kidnapped by conspirators – 20 Minutes – OMF

It is a child’s face that has occupied the headlines and social networks. Mia Montemaggi, 8 years old, kidnapped by several people to be “returned” to her mother, when the justice had withdrawn her custody for several worrying reasons and had entrusted the child to her maternal grandmother. The case shed light on the role played by a figure of conspiracy, Rémy Daillet, and the influence of these theories on the people who participated in the kidnapping, presented as an operation to save an endangered child.

From theories to the passage to the act, here is what to worry about the grip of the conspiracy and the switch of ordinary people towards criminal acts. What psychological springs come into play? This is what Clémence will seek to understand, this week, in OMF Oh My Fake.

Be strong against fake news

OMF Oh My Fake on Snapchat Discover is the program of 20 minutes which makes you strong against fake news and more broadly invites you to understand the psychological springs and biases which encourage sharing and virality. Beyond knowing if “It’s true or it’s false”, the important thing is rather to understand “Why did we believe it? », By analyzing the mechanisms that make rumors, often false, so attractive that even seasoned minds – like yours! – can succumb to it.

Coronavirus, health crisis, social movements, this period, OMF Oh My Fake is more than ever a program that gives perspective and critical thinking just like our fact checking column “Fake Off”. And since season 2 of this program is particularly hair-raising and colorful, don’t hesitate to subscribe. You can do this directly by scanning this snapcode in the Snapchat app. And I promise, you won’t regret it.

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