Conservationists call for a private firecracker ban – Bavaria

The Bavarian State Association for Bird Protection (LBV) calls for a ban on private New Year’s Eve fireworks. Instead, cities and communities should organize the fireworks at the turn of the year centrally, suggests the LBV, based in Hilpoltstein in Central Franconia (Roth district). The hissing rockets and cracking firecrackers led to heavy fine dust pollution and enormous amounts of waste, warn the conservationists. In addition, the noise and light reflections frightened animals. “In wild animals, the violent noise triggers the escape reflex,” said an LBV spokeswoman. “Then it takes them a long time to calm down.” The nocturnal escape costs the animals valuable energy, which they need to survive on long, cold winter nights. If flocks of birds flee in panic, birds could crash into windows or power lines, the LBV warns.

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