Conflicts: New confrontations: Israel attacks targets in the Gaza Strip

New confrontations: Israel attacks targets in the Gaza Strip

There have been more frequent confrontations at the Gaza border recently. photo

© Ilia Yefimovich/dpa

Just last week, Israel’s military carried out air strikes in the Gaza Strip. After days of confrontation between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers, three Hamas posts are now being hit again.

Israel’s army has hit several targets after incendiary balloon attacks and violent unrest at the border Gaza Strip attacked. The Israeli military announced in the evening that three military posts belonging to the Islamist Hamas, which rules there, had been hit.

There had previously been confrontations between dozens of Palestinians and Israeli soldiers at the border for the sixth day in a row. Incendiary balloons were sent to Israel for the first time in around two years. According to Israeli media reports, they started several fires in the south of the country.

The Gaza Strip Health Ministry said at least 28 Palestinians had been injured by gunfire at the border. According to the Israeli military, security forces who were taking action against the violent riots were previously shot at.

There have been more frequent confrontations at the Gaza border recently, fueling fears of a new major conflict. Last week, the military had already carried out air strikes on a Hamas post following confrontations.

In view of the renewed unrest, Israel closed the border to around 17,000 Palestinian workers. More than two million people live in very poor conditions in the Gaza Strip. Hamas, classified as a terrorist organization by the EU, USA and Israel, seized power by force in 2007. Israel then tightened a blockade of the coastal area, which Egypt supported.


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