Conflicts: Kiesewetter: Prepare Germans for longer Ukraine war

Kiesewetter: Prepare Germans for longer Ukraine war

Roderich Kiesewetter (CDU) photo

© Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa

High prices for food and energy are already getting on the nerves of many people in Germany. The population will have to withstand this pressure for a while longer, says Roderich Kiesewetter

According to the CDU foreign policy expert Roderich Kiesewetter, people in Germany must be informed that the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine could last for a long time. “Our population must also be prepared for the fact that this war can possibly go on for two more years and that it will spread,” Kiesewetter told Welt. The critical infrastructure is under pressure. “It will not only take place on Ukrainian soil, it is also a war against us,” said Kiesewetter.

Putin is about spreading fear and terror. “And we don’t even see many of the pictures because they are so terrible. And that’s something that our population must always be aware of: the war is worse than some of the pictures suggest,” says Kiesewetter.

In view of the energy crisis, the former President of the Bundestag and ex-Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble prepared people in Germany for deprivation in winter. “Then you just put on a sweater. Or maybe a second sweater. You don’t have to complain about that, you have to recognize that a lot of things are not self-evident,” Schäuble told the Bild-TV broadcaster. You should also have a few candles, matches and a flashlight at home – in case of a power failure, advised the CDU politician.


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