Conflicts: Confrontations in Jerusalem ahead of journalist’s funeral

Confrontations in Jerusalem ahead of journalist’s funeral

Palestinian mourners attend the funeral of slain al-Jazeera reporter Abu Akle. Photo: Ilia Yefimovich/dpa

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The security situation in the Middle East remains extremely tense: the funeral of a reporter who has been killed is overshadowed by violent clashes in Jerusalem.

Confrontations broke out in Jerusalem during the funeral procession for a reporter who was killed on the Al-Jazeera TV channel.

Hundreds of violent demonstrators caused unrest and threw stones at police officers, the Israeli police said on Friday. According to Palestinian sources, the security forces threw stun grenades. Mounted and unmounted police officers attacked the mourners, it said.

Shirin Abu Akle, who was shot dead in the West Bank, was buried in a Christian Orthodox cemetery next to the old town. Thousands of people came to the funeral.

An Israeli border police officer was fatally injured in confrontations with armed Palestinians in the West Bank, according to Israeli sources. During an anti-terrorist operation near Jenin, armed attackers fired on the security forces and threw explosives, the police and army said. The soldiers fired back. The 47-year-old officer was injured when leaving Burkin and taken to the hospital.

shots in the head

Journalist Shirin Abu Akle was shot dead during an Israeli military operation in the occupied West Bank on Wednesday. It was initially unclear who was responsible for the death of the 51-year-old, who is well known in the Arab world.

The Israeli army on Wednesday reported a fierce firefight involving dozens of Palestinian militants during a raid in Jenin. Israel’s army published interim results of its investigation into the process on Friday, according to which it is currently not possible to say “unambiguously” where the fatal shot came from.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, on the other hand, blames Israel and spoke of a “crime of execution”. Israel has denied the allegations and called for a joint investigation. However, the Palestinians have refused.


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