Conflict with Wagner group: Army rejects Prigozhin allegations

Status: 02/22/2023 07:56 a.m

Wagner boss Prigoschin recently complained in sharp terms about the lack of support for his mercenary group from the Russian army. This has now reacted: with a list of ammunition, warm words and criticism of “attempts to split”.

The Russian army has denied allegations by the Wagner mercenary group that they were not being supplied with sufficient ammunition. “All demands for ammunition for assault units will be met as soon as possible,” the Defense Ministry said in Moscow. Reports that there are supply problems are “absolutely wrong”.

Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin had previously accused the army general staff of “treason” because they refused to provide equipment to the Wagner mercenaries fighting in Ukraine.

In an audio message published on the online service Telegram, he accused Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu of giving orders not to supply Wagner with ammunition and not to provide air support. He even complained about “direct resistance” from the Russian military.

Ministry of Defense presents ammunition list

The Ministry of Defense in Moscow not only rejected these allegations in the evening, it also distributed a list of ammunition delivered to the Wagner group. At the same time, it recognized the “courage” of Russian “volunteers” in combat and criticized “attempts to split”. These are “counterproductive and only play into the enemy’s hand”.

Prigozhin had repeatedly criticized the Russian army leadership in recent weeks. However, his direct attack on Gerasimov and Shoigu represents an escalation. He blamed Russia’s “monstrous military bureaucracy” for the slow progress in the battle for the city of Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine.

Prigozhin accused officers of incompetence

The Wagner mercenary force has been leading the offensive against Bachmut for months and has suffered great losses in the process. In the past, Prigozhin had accused the Russian military of wanting to steal the “victories” from the Wagner Group. He accused high-ranking officers of incompetence.

Putin, on the other hand, reiterated his confidence in Gerasimov in January by appointing him direct supreme commander of Russian troops in Ukraine. In Tuesday’s State of the Union address, Putin made no mention of the Wagner Group.

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