Confinement in Martinique more flexible from this Monday

The confinement in force in Martinique to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic will be relaxed from Monday, September 20, thanks to the improvement in the health situation, the prefect of the Caribbean island announced on Thursday.

The drop in indicators allows “an adaptation of the confinement” in several phases, indicated the prefect Stanislas Cazelles.

Relaxation of the rules

The first will take place from Monday. Travel will be authorized within a radius of 10km, instead of 1 km around the home until then. On the other hand, the curfew hours will remain unchanged: it will still be forbidden to travel between 7:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., unless there is a compelling reason.

Access to the beaches will again be authorized in dynamic mode. Navigation will be possible with the rule of 6 passengers maximum for private boats.

From Wednesday September 22, non-essential shops will be able to reopen while respecting the obligation to wear a mask and the gauge of 8m2 per person. Restaurants and sports halls will also be able to raise the curtain, the sanitary pass will be compulsory.

The health pass will also cover sports, cultural and leisure activities. Employees in the sectors concerned will be subject to the obligation of a health pass from October 11.

The vaccination obligation for caregivers in Martinique will come into force gradually. A first stage is set for October 11 with the implementation of the health pass, then control of the first injection.

The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, had rejected this obligation, which entered into force on September 15 in France, for caregivers in the West Indies due to the 4th wave of the epidemic.

Thursday, September 16, the ARS of Martinique recorded an incidence rate of 266 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Hospital pressure is also decreasing: 290 people were hospitalized, including 107 in critical care.

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