Concert report: Rammstein tour after allegations of abuse of power |

The penis gun is back. The fans never left. The scandalous band Rammstein starts their European tour with concerts in Germany – and is as unbearable as ever.

Row Zero is empty. No young women with good makeup, elegant cocktail dresses in bright colors and summer floral prints. This is said to have been the dress code for the stage pit when Lindemann was still recruiting women for sex from there. But today, today only men are waiting here for Till Lindemann. Maltese paramedics are busy scurrying back and forth. A squad of security guards in blue polo shirts, lined up like tin soldiers, guard the transition between the stage and the fans.

One could interpret this as an innovation. As a clearer separation between stars and groupies, idols and community. Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that.

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