Concern of the President of the Region in the face of the indefinite general strike

The indefinite general strike is gaining momentum in Guadeloupe. Since Monday, the movement launched by a collective of trade unions and citizens of Guadeloupe to protest against the health pass and the vaccination obligation of caregivers against Covid-19 has already caused many blockages on the island. Something to worry about the President of the Region, Ary Chalus.

At the microphone of France Info, he said he had alerted “the President of the Republic” and “the members of the government in charge of Guadeloupe” to the situation. “This blockage is not only due to this vaccination obligation but also to all the problems that we have been encountering since earlier,” he explained. “You know that with this health situation, Guadeloupe has lost a lot, whether in terms of tax on fuel, transport, communities, and in particular for the Region, we have lost nearly 30 million. “

Simplify procedures and discuss with unions

“We see that many are supported, are helped, at the level of the Hexagon and Guadeloupe, Martinique, the Antilles even, are not taken into account. What is important today for us is that the State can hear the grievances of Guadeloupe so that we can work together, and above all simplify the procedures, ”explains the President of the Region.

However, the obligation to vaccinate caregivers remains the crux of the problem. If Ary Chalus indicates that he is vaccinated and “asks people to be vaccinated”, he adds “personally, I have always said it, I am against the vaccination obligation”, asking “for more consultation with the ARS “. “If we had sat around a table with the unions, with the partners, we could have found solutions on this obligation and we could have found another way out,” he said.

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