Complaints for violence closed without follow-up

After nine months of investigations, the conclusions of the investigation into the rave party in Redon (Ille-et-Vilaine) are finally known. On the night of June 18 to 19, nearly 1,500 people gathered in a field near the city’s racecourse for a free party organized in tribute to Steve Maia Caniço, who drowned in Nantes on June 21, 2019 after a police charge. Throughout the night, violent clashes had pitted the parties against the police who were trying to evacuate the premises. During the intervention, a young man of 22 had his hand torn off.

A month later, he had filed a complaint for “aggravated willful violence resulting in permanent disability” and for “failure to assist a person in danger”. Two complaints which have just been dismissed by the Rennes prosecutor’s office. In a long statement, the public prosecutor Philippe Astruc indicates that the investigation did not make it possible to “determine with certainty the nature of the explosive device which caused the loss of the hand, although the investigations tend to put in cause in grenade GM2L”. “This grenade arrived on the ground and the victim voluntarily seized it”, continues the prosecutor, considering that the use of the weapons was registered “in compliance with the applicable legal and regulatory provisions”.

Use of weapons “necessary and proportionate”, according to the prosecution

A Mediapart survey published at the end of June had also demonstrated that the prefecture had prevented the firefighters from bringing aid to the injured. The young man who had had his hand torn off had thus made his own way to the Redon hospital, helped by other partygoers. But for the public prosecutor of Rennes, “no directive tending to prevent the action of the relief has been given”. He also adds that “the delay in taking charge of the victim and the care that was provided to him did not in any way worsen his medical situation or constitute a loss of opportunity”.

The management of the rave party by the State had also been singled out. The NGO Amnesty International had denounced the disproportionate use of force by the police and the gendarmes, considering that “human rights violations had been committed within the framework of operations to maintain order”. The figures revealed by the Rennes prosecutor’s office indeed testify to the violence of the clashes. The investigation thus identified “58 LBD shots, 1602 uses of CM6 grenades, 139 of MP7 grenades, 239 of GM2L grenades and 24 of GENL grenades”.

But according to the prosecutor, the use of these weapons “was done in response and proved to be necessary and proportionate”. He evokes the “hostile and violent attitude of partygoers” who threw incendiary projectiles and various objects (stones, pétanque balls, tree trunks) at the police, injuring some. The police and the gendarmes were therefore forced “to repel them by using the weapons provided for by the texts”, specifies Philippe Astruc.

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