complaint filed after the symbolic hanging of a firefighter during a demonstration

The firefighters of Meurthe-et-Moselle see red. They did not appreciate at all the symbolic hanging of a mannequin representing one of their own. This act took place on Saturday in Nancy, during an “anti-vaccine” demonstration which brought together around 300 people.

“Whatever the causes, the Fire and Rescue Service (Sdis) 54 condemns the symbolic hanging of a firefighter during the rally on Saturday Place Maginot. Detached from any controversy, the firefighters of Meurthe-et-Moselle remain mobilized to fight against Covid-19, ”tweeted Sdis 54, which manages two vaccination centers in the department. A complaint has been filed.

On Saturday, the mayor of Nancy Mathieu Klein was also offended. “This staging and this attack on the public highway are intolerable,” he also tweeted, announcing that a report to the public prosecutor would be made. This Monday morning, he received the support of the Minister of the Interior. “I fully support the mayor in his legal action against this morbid staging,” wrote Gérald Darmanin, still on the same social network.

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