Commentary on the Planegger Eiswunder – wise waiting – district of Munich

It was a debate as it should be: matter-of-fact, passionate and ultimately consensual. The Planegg municipal council will only decide in two months whether ice skating will be possible again this year at the high school. You didn’t make it easy for yourself. The “Ice Wonder” has been extremely popular for years, because of Corona it was closed for a long time, the disappointment and frustration among the population was great. And now the energy crisis, the lack of gas, the political guidelines for savings.

The discussion made it clear how schizophrenic politics and society are dealing with the energy crisis: on the one hand, for example, the energy-guzzling juggernaut of the Munich Oktoberfest with its electricity-intensive rides and gas-powered chicken roasting; Quite apart from the acute danger of contracting Corona in the heaving beer tent. On the other hand, the urgent austerity appeals.

Many Planegger municipal councils and citizens will probably go there and celebrate, after all, one has refrained from doing so for so long. Given this bizarre logic, can children and young people be seriously prevented from skating for a few hours on ice that was also made with gas? For around 4000 euros a month? It’s a hypocritical discussion going on there. And what about the Planegger Kupferhaus and its energy-intensive evening programs in winter? Should you drop everything? The pros and cons were carefully weighed up by the municipal councillors. It is wise to think about it now and wait for developments.

Everyone agrees that the Planegger Eiswunder will be completely redesigned next year. New technology, new ambience. That will cost a lot of money. But a Planegger tradition remains.

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