Commentary on the ban on Hamas and Samidoun: More than just symbolism


As of: November 2nd, 2023 3:48 p.m

The ban on activities against Hamas could have been imposed earlier. But that doesn’t make it wrong. The state must take action wherever it can against the spread of hatred against Israel.

There is no doubt: the bans on Hamas and Samidoun’s activities in Germany are consistent and correct. After the inhumane atrocities committed by the Hamas terrorists in Israel, the federal government wanted and had to send a signal – to all those in Germany who show solidarity with these terrorist acts.

It’s about more than just symbolism. The point is that those who support or promote Hamas in this country can now be held criminally responsible.

This is not about planning terrorist attacks; that would of course have been punishable beforehand. For example, it involves displaying license plates, attending events, collecting money or distributing propaganda material.

At Contempt for humanity hard to beat

Of course, this ban on activity could and should have been announced earlier. But that doesn’t make it wrong. Incidentally, people have not looked the other way in recent years: associations that financially supported Hamas have been banned.

In this sense, the ban on Samidoun is also consistent and necessary. The international solidarity network for Palestinian prisoners celebrated Hamas’ terrorist acts on the streets of Berlin – the level of contempt for humanity was hard to beat.

Organizations that cheer terrorist acts and support terrorist organizations like Hamas in this way must be prevented from doing so – no matter how small and invisible they otherwise may be. The state must take action wherever it can against the organized spread of hatred of Israel and anti-Semitism. Because the fight against anti-Semitism and Israel’s right to exist are reasons of state in Germany.

The effect of the bans is limited

However, one should not indulge in illusions: the effect of such bans is limited. They do not eliminate anti-Semitism or hatred of Israel, nor the sympathy for Hamas that people also feel in this country.

Society must respond to all of this with a clear stance, wherever and whenever possible. She owes that to the Jews in Germany.

Editorial note

Comments generally reflect the opinion of the respective author and not that of the editorial team.

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