Commentary on culture and corona in Ebersberg – Ebersberg

A utilization of 25 percent. How can you imagine that? The old warehouse in Ebersberg, for example, actually fits 600 people. A quarter of them are 150. But when, as is so often the case, one of the audience favorites of German cabaret is on stage, 150 seats in the front and back are of course not enough. Then the organizer would have to distribute tickets among the ticket owners or completely reopen the ticket sales in order to be able to meet the 25 percent requirement. Unthinkable for a small team like the one from Ebersberg. Jess Jochimsen, Simon Pearce, Andreas Rebers – they would all have been there by now. Actually. But the old cinema has pulled the rip cord. Not only for organizational and economic reasons, but also in the interests of the guests: Laughing behind the mask for a whole evening is not exactly a pleasure.

In addition, the incidences in Ebersberg and around it are higher than ever before, the intensive care units are already full, in comparison, last winter now looks almost like a children’s carnival. In this respect, it is really necessary to limit contacts, to protect yourself and others. Stay at home is the motto. And that should also apply to cultural offerings, as bad as it is. The organizers in the district know this very well – and draw the appropriate conclusions. With a determination that deserves respect.

But one should not only be grateful that the program managers from Anzing to Zorneding are taking on responsibility. But show solidarity with them. In other words: Don’t give cards back again, just wait and see whether there isn’t a second chance at some point. Or just mentally book the ticket price on the donation account. But a big appeal is also directed at politics: They must not hide behind the fact that events are still possible in principle, or better: would be. Rather, she should be honest about this back door lockdown. It should recognize these most adverse conditions, under which the organizers are already operating again – and ensure appropriate compensation. Otherwise the cultural scene, especially outside the big cities and houses, will be weakened even further. The forces are dwindling – they must not dry up!

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