Comment – take responsibility! – Ebersberg

Now is the time for personal responsibility. Basically, this credo has been in place for almost two years. Because to find out more from reputable sources and to act accordingly, rather to be a little too careful than to end up infecting yourself or others with a dangerous virus – that is everyone’s moral duty in a pandemic. But these days the importance of such personal responsibility is becoming more evident than ever.

The number of infections in the Ebersberg district is higher than ever before. This means that the risk of meeting an infectious person has also reached an unprecedented level. While shopping. In the S-Bahn. At work. At school. When going to the authorities. In the restaurant. At the hairdresser. In the crawling group. It has nothing to do with scare tactics. This is probability.

At the same time, politics is acting far too slowly, and measures are often far too useless. Why didn’t the boosting of vulnerable groups start at the necessary pace months ago? Why were protective measures relaxed in the face of rising incidences? And the health authorities, including the one in Ebersberg, are now completely overwhelmed, and effective and seamless contact tracking is no longer possible. This is not a reproach, such a situation is all too understandable given the exorbitant number of cases.

The situation is dire. So, get vaccinated if you haven’t already. Get a booster. Test yourself regularly, even if you are vaccinated. If you visit a restaurant or toddler group and find that the rules are not being followed, don’t go any further. If you have had a positive contact or are infectious yourself, isolate and test yourself. Only if each of us takes on this personal responsibility is there a chance that the numbers will not continue to rise – and that even more people will not suffer permanent damage from corona disease. Or die.

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