Comment: Release Assange! |


As of: May 20, 2024 7:42 p.m

The fact that he can appeal is a victory for Julian Assange – but not the Victory. The process has already dragged on for five years. This is far too long – Assange must be released now.

The court decision is good news for Julian Assange. But that’s not a victory yet.

The court ruled that the US authorities’ assurances were not enough. Julian Assange cannot be sure that he has the right to freedom of expression in the USA. It is possible that the first article of the US Constitution – freedom of the press, freedom of expression – does not apply to him.

Because he is Australian. And anyone who is not a US citizen can be denied this right. That would be an outrageous event – it’s good that the British judges made that decision and Assange won’t be extradited initially.

Assange has merely gained time

So now an appeal process follows. Julian Assange’s team must continue to fight to ensure that the Australian is not deported. He just gained time. This process is likely to take at least a few months.

It is bitter that Assange has to spend this time in prison – without a sentence – where he has been for more than five years. What is happening to Assange is a disgrace. The process is dragging on.

Maybe it just takes so long for a legal decision to be made. But the thought arises that the duration of the proceedings will be used to punish Assange and intimidate future editors, journalists and whistleblowers.

The free press is in danger

This matters to all of us. Because freedom of the press is at stake here. The US authorities want to charge Assange with espionage. That is absurd. He should be tried for publicizing war crimes.

When editors and journalists are charged with espionage, the free press is at risk. The threshold for dragging the next person to court over this is lowering.

Julian Assange must be released.

Editorial note

Comments generally reflect the opinion of the respective author and not that of the editorial team.

Christoph Prössl, ARD London, tagesschau, 20.05.2024 19:19

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