Comedian: Otto Waalkes likes to celebrate Christmas like before

Otto Waalkes likes to celebrate Christmas like in the past

Actor and comedian Otto Waalkes is looking forward to seeing his family for Christmas. Photo: Henning Kaiser / dpa

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What does Christmas look like at Otto Waalkes? Does he prefer it contemplative or are Christmas traditions not his thing? The family definitely plays an important role, says the East Frisian.

The star comedian Otto Waalkes (73, “Catweazle”) loves it cozy and informal at Christmas.

“I really enjoy going to my family in East Friesland for Christmas. My brother lives there with his wife and children – and we celebrate this festival very traditionally in memory of our parents, ”Waalkes told the dpa. The native Emder, who has been at home in Hamburg for decades, also told us what it looks like: “There are biscuits there, there is singing, at 6 p.m. there is gifts and so on. That will always be maintained. “

Brother as a role model

His son Benjamin, born in 1987, is also part of the party. And the versatile artist also revealed what he would like for Christmas. “I wish from my family that they always stand by me and will continue to stand by me with advice and, if need be, with criticism,” Waalkes explained to the dpa. And at the same time paid his brother a special compliment: «My brother was always my great role model. He is a few years older and more experienced than me – with his quick-wittedness and his wit, he has always been a great help for me. “

At the end of March 2022, Waalkes will again be able to experience the TV streaming service Disney + as the spokesman for the clumsy sloth Sid in the animated film series “Ice Age”. The sixth part of the animal prehistoric turbulence that then begins is entitled “The Adventures of Buck Wild”.


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