Column: Welcome to the demonstration of the normal people

Column: This is the boomer speaking
No left, no right, no lateral thinkers: Welcome to the demonstration of the normal people

Our author Frank Schmiechen was at a demonstration. However, this was different from the many others that you know otherwise.

© Vesnaandjic / Getty Images

Our author dared to demonstrate during these difficult days. Otherwise, that’s not his way. But this demo was different from the others. It was a gathering of people who normally don’t take to the streets that often.

From Frank Schmiechen

I was at the demonstration of the common people and bores. Under cover of the onset of darkness, around 300 people dared to take me out onto the street. Songs were sung and light bulbs were used. The police ensured an orderly process and blocked the streets along the demo route. A mounted soldier led the procession. There were no fights.

People who otherwise rarely go to demos were walking close together here. For once, the discussions were not about exploratory talks by the traffic light coalition or gender language, but about the fact that it gets light so late in the morning – and dark again so quickly in the evening.

People stick to rules because it makes life easier

At the atmospheric closing rally in front of a church, there were pastries that were to be shared. All corona-fair, of course. During the speech, the quiet conversations were stopped. One was attentive. It was a demonstration of people who obey the rules. Because they know that rules make normal life easier. If everyone sticks to it.

It is actually a miracle that none of my fellow demonstrators and I have yet to blame for the rising corona numbers. So far we have already identified some of the culprits: skiers, party goers, strollers, picnickers, mulled wine drinkers, Mallorca vacationers, park bench people, the unvaccinated and, more recently, the carnivalists.

Jorunalist Frank Schmiechen

Frank Schmiechen

Frank Schmiechen has been a journalist for more than 30 years. Among other things, he was deputy editor-in-chief of “Welt” and editor-in-chief of “Gründerszene”. Today he works as a Senior Advisor at the communications consulting agency WMP Eurocom. Schmiechen loves pop music and football.

At my demo, you walked with a mask, the distances were kept as good as possible. There were people here who take responsibility for themselves and their families. Even the horse at the head of the train was probably vaccinated, boosted and tested.

And then the catchy slogan of the demo rang out one last time: “I go with my lantern. And my lantern with me. The stars shine up there. And we shine below.” These are simple truths. Always convincing and understandable. And as it should be, the children’s eyes shone, in which the electric light of their lanterns was reflected.

For safety reasons, there have been no real candles for a long time.


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