Column by Jagoda Marinic: Dare to act positively! – Opinion

Corona, free mentality, cancel culture: we have become too used to thinking in catastrophe scenarios. It’s time to let go of that. A plea for positive action.

It will be an autumn like most citizens have probably never experienced. The fear of the consequences of rising energy prices is omnipresent, new corona waves and virus variants have already been announced, inflation is higher than it has been for decades. Instead of seeing the interest in the nine-euro ticket as the first successful step in the mobility turnaround, the latter is almost actively prevented by insulting citizens such as the “free mentality” alleged by Finance Minister Christian Lindner. The warming of the planet is approaching its catastrophe point, and if everything goes wrong, which cannot be ruled out, German families will be sitting in their living rooms again in winter and complaining about the backward digitization of German schools. As if that weren’t enough, in every third small talk one hears the monotonous scolding about the inadequacies of the Deutsche Bahn – like an untalented person at the piano who always hammers the same key.

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