Color approach: With these tips you will save yourself the hairdresser

Without a hairdresser
DIY Instructions: Here’s How You Can Easily Color Your Approach Yourself

All hairdressers are currently closed, so the approach is getting bigger and bigger

© triocean / Getty Images

Public life is currently at a standstill: Almost all shops are closed, including the hairdressing salons. For many people with colored or gray hair, this is a real test of patience as their roots get bigger and bigger.

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Normally, it is hardly noticeable when the hair grows back on the head: it can manage around half a millimeter in a day, a month that’s at least one and a half centimeters. However, if you color your hair, you can virtually follow the growth live – thanks to the ever-widening approach. This is particularly noticeable if you naturally have a very dark hair color and bleach it or vice versa. In addition, many people dye or dye their hair in order to conceal (first) gray hair. In both cases, the approach reveals what is hidden behind the color, so that it has to be re-colored at regular intervals. This is usually done by a hairdresser – due to the current situation, you will now have to take over the job yourself in an emergency and color your approach. How this works best is explained here.

Coloring approach: the most important tips for beginners

  • In order for your hair to grow back healthily and your scalp to be protected, your approach should only be all six to eight weeks dye – depending on how fast your hair is growing.
  • Many hair dyes contain it ammoniathat can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, always test corresponding products on your skin in advance.
  • Always use whenever possible the same colorthat your hairdresser used – otherwise you won’t get a smooth transition.

  • Soak in before dyeing old t-shirt or use one Barber’s capeto protect your clothes from possible color stains.

  • Protect yours hands with a few Gloves – especially if you use a strong dye or bleach.

You need all kinds of accessories to dye your hair

© Liountmila Korelidou / Getty Images

Tip: If you just want to have your approach colored by a professional, you can resort to these alternatives until your barber reopens:

  1. If your approach only color entertaining want you can get a special Color powder use for hair that you apply like an eyeshadow.
  2. Alternatively, there are also so-called Coloring pencils, with the help of which, in particular, gray approaches as well temporarily concealed can be.
  3. Or you can use a special one Laminating spray with microfine color pigmentsthat hides lighter and gray roots until the next hair wash.

Step by step: how to color your approach

Step 1: First, part your hair using Brackets in four sections: pull one part from the left ear to the right and one part from the middle part towards the nape of the neck.

Step 2: Apply the color first to the roots on the back of the head – here the hair is healthier and absorbs the color more slowly than on the top of the head.

Step 3: Always pick up one strand and only dye the roots with one Hair coloring brush one, leave the remaining hair outside.

Step 4: Work your way up strand by strand from the back of your head to your forehead and only let the color work for as long as it says on the packaging.

Step 5: Wash your hair thoroughly after the recommended exposure time and then use a rich one Nursing cure for your hair.

What the whole thing looks like live is shown in this video explained.

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