Colon cancer: Aspirin is said to protect against disease

Studies show that low doses aspirin the risk from Reduce colon cancer can. The intake should even do that Inhibit the progression of an existing disease. In addition to colon cancer, there are also other diseases, such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis or celiac disease. If you are unsure whether you have a bad intestine, certain questions can help you.

However, colon cancer still represents the greatest danger to the population. Every year, approximately 1.9 million new cases of colon cancer diagnosed. There are also 900,000 deaths like that Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich reported in a press release. Preventive measures are therefore urgently needed.

Aspirin is said to help with colon cancer

The studies have shown that the years of use from low-dose aspirin in patients with cardiovascular diseases Can reduce the risk of colon cancer. Even taking a low dose of just 75 to 100 milligrams daily over a few years seems to significantly reduce the number of illnesses and deaths communicates. Scientists from Munich have now investigated the exact molecular mechanisms behind this.

The researchers report in the specialist magazine Cell Death and Diseasethat they have one were able to identify signaling pathways, through which aspirin can inhibit colon cancer. How does this work exactly? In short, aspirin binds and activates enzymewhich then the Activation of anti-cancer genes triggers.

The research team from Munich hopes that these findings will help aspirin be used in people with cancer in the future can be used therapeutically.

Do not take acetylsalicylic acid on your own for health precautions

Current will be aspirin already in low doses recommended for blood thinning in certain patients. This happens, for example, after a heart attack or stroke, with certain chronic heart diseases or with an artificial heart valve.

This intake however, must be strictly monitored. If the blood becomes too thin, there is a risk of stomach and intestinal bleeding as well as bleeding in the brain. Therefore, an arbitrary, daily intake from Acetylsalicylic acidto prevent heart attacks, strokes and cancer, discouraged.

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