Collective bargaining agreement: Public banks: More money and more home office

collective agreement
Public banks: More money and more home office

The collective agreement runs for 35 months. Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Unions and employers have wrestled for nine months. The new collective agreement now applies to 60,000 bank employees. For Verdi and Co., however, there is still a construction site in the banking sector.

The employees of state and development banks as well as several savings banks in Germany will receive more money and will be able to work from home more often in the future.

The sixth round of collective bargaining for the public banks on Thursday in Frankfurt brought the breakthrough in the talks that had been going on since the end of June last year, as both sides announced.

Specifically, the collective bargaining parties agreed on a salary increase of three percent from July 2022 for the 60,000 employees and a further two percent increase from July 2023. In addition, after the Corona special payment of 750 euros granted in March, there is a further 300 euros once in April. From January 2024, the weekly working time will be reduced by one hour to 38 hours. The collective agreement runs for 35 months until May 31, 2024.

“This result was achieved after very tough and protracted negotiations, and the pressure from the many strikes in which the workers had gone before certainly contributed to this,” summarized the negotiator of the Verdi union, Jan Duscheck.

Gunar Feth, chief negotiator on the part of the Federal Association of Public Banks in Germany (VÖB), said that together we managed to put together a “very good salary package” that noticeably cushions the consequences of inflation for the employees of the public banks and recognizes their achievements ».

Verdi went into the negotiations with a demand for 4.5 percent more money, but at least 150 euros more per month. The German Bank Employees Association (DBV) wanted 4.8 percent plus.

A major topic of the negotiations was mobile working. Verdi wanted employees to be able to work mobile for up to 60 percent of their working hours. A contractual right has now been agreed to be able to work up to 40 percent of the working time on the go.

For the first time since 1972, the Collective Bargaining Association of Public Banks represented its currently 43 member institutes independently. The separately ongoing negotiations for 140,000 employees of private banks in Germany have come to a standstill.

Verdi negotiator Showereck asked the employers’ association of the private banking industry (AGV Banken): “Come back to the negotiating table.” The financial statements for the public institutes and, before that, for the Postbank proved “that fair and viable compromises are also possible in the banking sector in these times”.


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