Collecting mushrooms: You should keep these six things in mind when searching (video)

Watch the video: Collecting mushrooms – you should definitely keep these six things in mind when searching.

Autumn is here and the forests are looking forward to abundant rain after the hot summer.
Where things came down nicely, mushroom fans can now finally fill their baskets.
But there are a few things to keep in mind when collecting.
1. Collect mushrooms during the day: As the German Hunting Association explains, mushroom pickers late at dusk otherwise disturb deer etc.
2. Avoid thickets and bushes if possible: Even those who venture too far into thickets and bushes disturb the local wildlife.
3. Carefully unscrew or cut off mushrooms: Mushrooms mainly grow underground. Anyone who tackles a found delicacy with a shovel can easily destroy the underground fungal network. If you unscrew it carefully, it will be easier to identify the mushroom because the stem remains undamaged.
4. An airy basket or a fabric bag. Airy baskets or fabric bags are best suited for collecting. Mushrooms spoil faster in plastic bags.
5. Only personal use Since most of the sought-after finds are protected species, only a small amount is permitted to be collected for personal use.
6. Avoid poisonous mushrooms Caution: Many mushrooms are poisonous and look very similar to edible specimens. As the German Nature Conservation Association (NABU) advises, collectors should only take mushrooms with them if they know and can identify them 100%. Identification books and mushroom apps can be helpful, but should be used with caution. Alternatively, you can also visit courses or mushroom advice centers.

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