CoinEx Smart Chain Keeps Building Public Networks Even During Bear Market – Bitcoin Addict

After the boom of the crypto world in the last two years The market has entered a downtrend again. Many projects are cutting costs. and some may even go bankrupt

But in contrast to CSC (CoinEx Smart Chain), one of the few public networks that continues to invest and explore. even in a downtrend market which is an admirable decision. So what drives CSC to continue with this vision and courage? The answer lies in the CoinEx team, the team behind a decentralized and efficient public network.

After years of devotion to the crypto industry, the CoinEx team has invested in a variety of blockchains. covering the exchange crypto wallet mining farm and public networks These are all blockchain infrastructures. This shows that the team is confident in the long-term prospects of the blockchain space. As a result, the CoinEx team will continue to invest in Blockchain and remain dedicated to the space. whether the market is up or down

On June 30, CSC partnered with the CSC-powered application program and organized a series of online events to celebrate the first anniversary. The celebration will tell how CSC invests in the future of blockchain. and impressed me with the strength and advancement of the public network.

The CSC ecosystem has a full range of exchanges such as OneSwap and large user base wallets such as ViaWallet, as well as the infrastructure below focusing on fields such as DeFi/NFT/Metaverse. As they continue to improve and grow These infrastructures will provide the necessary technical support for the growth of the CSC ecosystem.

Recommended projects

After trying several CSC-based DApps, there are many more projects I would like. that provides a great user experience.


OneSwap is a trading board that combines the advantages of both CEX and DEX. It is also my most used CSC based DApp.

In addition to the general DEX features, OneSwap offers functions such as DeFi trading and trade-driven mining. In addition, trading has adopted the order book trading model used by CEXs, in other words. Simply put, with OneSwap you can not only participate in fast DEX deals. but also place orders based on insights into the cryptocurrency price trend. This makes trading convenient because OneSwap is different from the order book format used by CEX, users can check all order positions/trading records on the blockchain.

During the CSC one-year anniversary, many prize money was also shared. This function allows users to predict the price trend of BTC for the next 10 minutes and winners can receive double their stake. through this interesting feature. Users will be able to forecast income.

2. Bridge over the CSC line

As we all know, public networks are like islands. And it is difficult for them to communicate/transact with each other. This hinders the growth of the blockchain industry.

But to achieve cross-chain transactions, the CSC Cross-chain Bridge was created, which now allows communication between CSC and ETH, BTC and Tron. The CSC Cross-chain Bridge has promoted the integrated growth of the system. CSC Ecosystem and Multiple Public Networks, CSC Cross-chain Bridge can be used to switch cryptocurrencies. between chains and can also participate in CSC-based projects in an efficient and convenient manner.


CSC uses a PoS consensus mechanism and validators can earn mining rewards and associated gas fees by staking CET. However, running a CSC validation program can be difficult for the average user. So how do retail CET holders get their staking rewards?

IFPool is a CSC based liquidity investment protocol to bet on CET and win. IFPool offers very easy execution. And users can start betting when they find IFPool in ViaWallet. They can bet on CET held through IFPool in ViaWallet and the returns are also very satisfactory.


As the DeFi sector continues to expand Lending financial services enabled by the lending protocol are also becoming more and more popular among crypto holders. In the CSC ecosystem, WaterLoan offers credit-based financing that offers great returns.

With WaterLoan, users can not only deposit tokens on public networks to earn rewards. but also participates in operations such as mining and speculation through lending. This will maximize the value of crypto holdings.

And with our extensive CSC project experience, you can be sure that the CSC ecosystem will not disappoint. As each application is unique and innovative, join CSC to try out these amazing DApps.

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