Coffee just unhealthy? Unexpected study results are likely to open the eyes of many

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It is often said that coffee is bad for your health. But a Harvard study shows: Drinking coffee every day increases life expectancy.

Kassel – Coffee in the office, a quick coffee to go or a cup while sitting together: for many Germans, this is part of everyday life. But the popular hot drink has to contend with many prejudices. It is often said that it is unhealthy. But a study by Harvard University has shown that coffee drinkers live longer.

Harvard study shows: Coffee is not unhealthy

American scientists from Harvard University in Boston came to this surprising result. The Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health study states that certain illnesses can be avoided through regular coffee consumption. The data was published in the scientific journal Circulation published.

Is coffee as unhealthy as many people claim? According to a Harvard University study, coffee drinkers live longer. © Imago

Three long-term studies were evaluated for the large-scale study. Over 200,000 people were examined over decades. The researchers concluded that three to four cups of coffee a day reduced the risk of premature death from disease.

The results of the studies show that coffee drinkers are less likely to suffer from heart attacks or strokes compared to non-coffee drinkers. Three to five cups of coffee would prevent cardiovascular diseases. Min Ding, one of the study authors, suspects that it is due to anti-inflammatory components in coffee.

Coffee study: three to five cups a day prevent illness

The Harvard research team also states that coffee may reduce neurological risks. People who drink coffee every day have a 30 percent lower risk of developing Parkinson’s. Men in particular are affected by this. One reason for this may be caffeine’s ability to block adenosine receptors in the brain. However, scientists currently have no explanation for the positive effect.

According to the study, coffee also has a positive effect on mental health: women who drink caffeinated coffee are less likely to suffer from depression. This result is based on a study that began in 1996. Around 50,000 women took part. Women who drank four or more cups of coffee daily had a 20 percent lower rate of depression.

Daily coffee consumption: Diabetes and tinnitus can be prevented

Scientists who conducted the study also believe that coffee contains components that can reduce the insulin resistance of body cells. Coffee drinkers are therefore less susceptible to type 2 diabetes. The substance chlorogenic acid contained in coffee inhibits a glucose-forming enzyme in the small intestine.

Roasted coffee beans
According to a study by Harvard University, daily coffee consumption is said to prevent many diseases. © Nailia Schwarz/Imago

But that’s not all: According to the results of the analysis, daily coffee consumption can also prevent tinnitus. A long-term study was carried out with 65,000 participating women. Test subjects who drank four to six cups of coffee a day reduced their risk of developing tinnitus by 15 percent. The investigation spanned 18 years. Previous studies have shown that caffeine could have a direct effect on the inner ear.

Studies show that drinking coffee is healthy

Also a study by the American College of Cardiology, the portal EurekAlert published confirms the positive effect of coffee on health. Drinking two to three cups of coffee a day is not only associated with a lower risk of heart disease, but also with a longer life. But coffee doesn’t just reveal its potential for heart disease. Coffee should also have an influence on cancer. Studies have repeatedly linked coffee consumption to a lower risk of developing and dying from uterine and liver cancer.

Harvard study shows which type of coffee preparation is healthiest

The team from Harvard School of Medicine and Harvard School of Public Health found in the study “Coffee, Caffeine and Health”, which appeared in the specialist journal The New England Journal of Medicine It was published that the life-extending effect of coffee depends on how it is prepared.

According to the study, filter coffee has many positive properties. It lowers cholesterol levels, prevents liver and heart diseases and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Unfiltered versions, on the other hand, increase cholesterol levels. Everyone prepares their morning coffee differently. One ingredient makes your favorite drink particularly healthy.

To promote your health, a balanced diet is essential. Certain foods are particularly beneficial for a healthy lifestyle. (sli)

The information provided in this article does not replace seeing a doctor. Only professionals can make the correct diagnosis and initiate appropriate therapy. The use of medication or nutritional supplements should be discussed with a doctor beforehand.

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