Coffee as a risk for the body – from what amount are reactions possible?

  • Coffee: The most popular hot drink among Germans
  • So many You can drink cups of coffee a day
  • This Risks can come from too much coffee

according to studies are alone in Germany an average of 3.5 cups per day drank. This makes coffee the leader in terms of consumption per capita – regardless of gender, age or place of residence. Caffeine makes you awake, everyone knows that by now. Every day, not only in Germany, but all over the world, up to 3 billion cups of coffee consumed. But in what quantities is coffee consumption actually healthy?

How does coffee affect the body?

The question of why caffeine gives us energy is easy to answer: Caffeine is a stimulantthat loud the experts of the pharmacy magazine docks on certain molecules and cells, the so-called adenosine receptors. The caffeine thus displaces the body’s own messenger substance adenosine. This is usually responsible for fatigue. It is therefore a simple “swap of places”. The caffeine “occupies” the place of the substance that causes the body to tire; it does not reach the brain – and we stay on our toes.

Amazon book tip: Live healthy and look good with coffee: 100 facts about the health-promoting effects of coffee

The one contained in coffee caffeine Stimulates body functions, increases hand range, expands the bronchi and promotes concentration. Whether caffeine can kill is also easy to answer – yes, it can. With a lot of several grams it will be dangerous. However, the stimulant works differently for each person. Not just in terms of the effect, but also in terms of how long it takes the body to break down the caffeine. While it only takes a few hours for some people to metabolize caffeine, for others the process takes much longer.

What the Blood pressure Professor Wolfram Delius loudly asserts that high blood pressure patients have nothing to fear pharmacy magazine. Coffee increases it heart rate, but to a manageable extent. With regular consumption, this effect is even weaker. The theory that coffee is a “water robber” has also been refuted. The diuretic effect cannot be denied, but it can be attributed to the large amounts of water that are consumed Drink coffee takes to himself. Nevertheless, Delius emphasizes that it is better not to consume coffee before measuring your blood pressure.

This is how much coffee a day is recommended

Researchers have already found out the maximum amount of coffee you should drink per day before it becomes unhealthy. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) found that single doses of up to 200 mg of caffeine and a spread of caffeine intake throughout the day of up to 400 mg does not pose any health risks for healthy adults. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are recommended to consume a maximum of 200 mg of caffeine. An average cup of filter coffee (150 ml) contains around 50 to 100 mg of caffeine. Accordingly, there are three to four cups of coffee a day safe for healthy people.

But what exactly are the advantages and disadvantages of coffee? A study carried out in 2020 New England Journal of Medicine was published, came to the conclusion that three to five cups of coffee daily Risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer and Parkinson’s disease.

Consumption also has a positive effect on Lung function, muscles and psychological performance out of. And even that Mortality risk can, according to a study be reduced with a coffee quantity of up to three cups per day. The results were published in European Journal of Preventative Cardiology.

Six or more cups: Effects of high coffee consumption

However, the health impact of high coffee consumption of six or more cups per day is controversial. While an investigation from London concludedthat itself one Consume up to 25 cups does not lead to stiffening of the arteries, other research institutes explicitly warn against drinking too much coffee.

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One of these critical voices is: University of Southern Australia. She examined in more detail how the associated amounts of caffeine affect the human body. The researchers used values ​​from the British biobank: data from a total of 347,077 people between the ages of 37 and 73 were recorded and evaluated.

The result of the study was that drinking More than six cups of coffee increases the risk of heart disease increased by up to 22 percent. More specifically: The study found that too much caffeine can cause… increased blood pressure can lead. This is considered a precursor to serious heart diseases. A certain dose can therefore have negative consequences for your health. The study was the first to make a recommendation for the maximum amount of coffee you should drink per day.

Study shows connection between too much coffee and increased risk of dementia

But that’s not the only health risk that consuming too much coffee poses. That too Risk of dementia according to another University of Southern Australia research increased among those who drank more than six cups a day. The researchers found that there is a connection between increased coffee consumption and reduced brain volume.

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But even if you only enjoy the hot drink in moderation, you are not immune to negative effects. Ultimately, the effect always depends on the individual sensitivity away. For example, symptoms such as insomnia, irritability, heartburn or digestive problems can occur with small amounts of coffee.

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