Coffee and stress in the morning: habits that make it difficult to lose weight

Despite numerous diet tips, very few people achieve their desired weight. It is quite possible that it is due to the following 18 habits that sabotage weight loss.

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1. Insufficient sleep

How long you sleep can be critical to how successful the diet is. Why? Those who only sleep a few hours a night produce more ghrelin. Among other things, this hormone is responsible for controlling hunger and satiety. It also reduces energy expenditure and thus prevents fat stores from being broken down. It is important to maintain a steady sleep rhythm. By the way: the body burns calories even while sleeping – around 70 kilocalories per hour.

2. Dress in the dark

Instead of getting drunk with sleep in the dark bedroom, you should open the curtains. This not only prevents a visually mismatched outfit from sitting on the body, but also helps with weight loss. As a study has shown, the morning sun is supposed to help boost your metabolism. And that in turn affects effective fat burning.

3. Coffee for breakfast

After sleeping, you are dehydrated, even if you have sipped from a water glass every now and then. And that arouses our appetite. Whoever reaches for a coffee or tea mug immediately will not do anything about it, on the contrary: drinks with caffeine or tea (black and green tea) increase the effect of dehydration. Better: drink a large glass of water first thing in the morning, also to get your metabolism going.

4. Refrain from dairy products

Those who are not lactose intolerant should eat dairy products in the morning. And don’t go without it for the wrong reasons, for example to save calories. The main reason: Calcium is an important component for blood clotting and muscle contraction – and this can have a positive effect on the weight loss process. According to the German Nutrition Society (DGE), the daily calcium requirement is around 900 milligrams for an adult.

5. Eat cereals

Muesli may fill you up, but protein is a better way to start the day. Eggs are also filling and supply the body with the energy it needs. Eating proteins also releases the hormone orexin, which stimulates the burning of calories. Eggs also provide important nutrients and vitamins and reduce the desire for small snacks between meals.

6. Morning stress

The snooze function on the alarm clock is used so often that you often have to rush to work? Then this habit should be reconsidered, because stress in the morning causes the release of cortisol. The hormone stops building proteins in the body and instead pulls proteins out of the muscles to convert them into glucose. Then you better get up a little earlier.

7. Don’t take a lunch break

If you skip lunch and just work through the break, you are doing yourself and your body a disservice. Why it is like that? It’s simple: if you skip a meal, your body cuts its energy consumption, and that also slows down fat loss. Our tip: Before your performance also suffers from not eating and you are surprised by the ravenous hunger attack in the evening, it is better to eat something small.

8. Whine about the diet

When dieting is overly strenuous that everyone is whining about it, it’s time to give up. Let’s be honest: You don’t go through this type of diet anyway. It is better to have a weight loss strategy behind which you stand with your whole personality – and which is not characterized by prohibitions, but by enjoying healthy foods.

9. Don’t take a step on foot

“Every step keeps you fit, every step makes you slim” is a saying – and there is definitely something to it. Transferred to work: It’s better to go to your co-workers than to call them. In everyday life: climbing stairs instead of using the elevator and walking short distances. Better than taking the car out of the garage. If you take these little things to heart, you already ensure a basic amount of movement.

10. Chill music for your workout

Lounge music and slow instrumental songs may be suitable for the spa area and for relaxing, but not for a sporty workout. If you train on the treadmill or stepper, you should plug lively music into your ears. Then it runs twice as fast.

11. Do only cardio exercise

Endurance sports are wonderful, but you should also make sure to train your muscles. The reason for this is that you build muscle mass, which has a positive effect on fat metabolism. That means: the more muscles you have, the more fat you burn – even when you are resting. When the body uses more energy than it receives in the form of food, it is forced to go to fat reserves.

12. Not heavy to carry

As mentioned above, it is important to exercise muscles. However, if you not only want to keep it in shape, but also want to build it up, the weights should be a bit heavier. Otherwise you probably won’t see any physical changes. Important: variation in the exercises and their intensity.

13. Reward with sugar

Anyone who has had a week of hard training and healthy food behind them would like to reward themselves with something at the weekend. In this case, it is better not to use sugary foods or drinks, but instead give the reward in the form of a great film, a manicure or a massage. This keeps you from hundreds of calories and helps you not lose sight of your weight loss goals.

14. Do not take any oil

Saturated fats in large quantities are unhealthy for the body – not only because they can lead to obesity, but also because they increase the level of fat in the blood. And that, in turn, can increase your risk of heart disease. Unsaturated fatty acids, on the other hand, are good for the body and even help you lose weight. The reason for this: The lipids contained slow down the transfer of carbohydrates into the blood. Olive oil can therefore be used without hesitation.

15. Eat in front of the TV

Do you prefer to sit in front of the TV with your meal in the evening to let yourself be showered? Not a good idea. Better to save a film or series for the evening and instead concentrate on what’s on your plate. This prevents you from eating too much and too fast – and you learn to listen to your body.

16. Heating in the bedroom on

If the heating in the bedroom is always on full power, then listen carefully: this habit can sabotage the desire to lose weight. The reason for this: At colder bedroom temperatures, the body has to expend minimal energy in order to bring the body to the appropriate sleeping temperature. And that in turn burns calories.

17. Pushing food between appointments

Do you just want to have a quick meal before the child has to be taken to the football club or dance school? Then the body definitely does not have enough time to notice that it is full. Our tip: At first only eat half of the planned meal and save the rest for after the errands. If you are still hungry, you can eat the second half of the plate.

18. Instagrams out of bed

Shortly before going to bed, many reach for their smartphone again to share the last snapshot of the day on Instagram or to read the news of the day. A mistake that can probably even prevent us from losing weight. The blue LED light hinders the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. Insomnia and food cravings can result.


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