“Coburger Convent”: Whitsun meeting of the striking student associations – Bavaria

At the meeting of the “Coburg Convent”, Coburg’s Mayor 2023 was confronted with being denigrated as an “earthworm” in the corporation’s internal email traffic. Even before this year’s Pentecost Congress, things are not going well.

Last year things didn’t go well for the Coburg Convent (CC), for striking connections at their annual Whitsun meeting in Coburg. The highlight of the big student and ex-student party (no, no women) is always the “Festkommers”, with a full tent and full of unction. And just before things get going again in Upper Franconia over Pentecost, it is worth briefly recalling the conclusion of the keynote speaker at the time. It came from a professor of ophthalmology, is deposited in the CC annals and read: “We corporations, especially we men in competitive country teams and gymnastics teams of the Coburg Convent, should lead the way in Europe, not bow to the zeitgeist, not to fashion submit and don’t fall into helpless whining. No!”

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