Coalition retreat in Meseberg: Watch the press conference in the live stream

Results of the coalition retreat
Habeck: “We’re well prepared for the winter” – Lindner on relief: “We need a massive package”

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz makes a statement on the fringes of the closed meeting of the German cabinet at Meseberg Castle

© Tobias Schwarz / AFP

Energy crisis, price increases, digital strategy… The topics at the federal government’s closed conference at Schloss Meseberg were big. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens) and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) informed about possible decisions at a joint press conference.

The federal government completed its cabinet retreat at Meseberg Castle on Wednesday. At the end of the two-day deliberations, the three top people in the traffic light government, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens) and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP), gave one of their rare joint press conferences.

Finance Minister Christian Lindner announced a “heavy package” there to relieve citizens of the high prices. It should be aimed at the whole breadth of society, said the FDP politician. At the same time, however, the roots of the high energy prices must be tackled. There is speculation on the electricity markets and also a kind of “return autopilot”. These rules mean that rising gas prices automatically lead to rising electricity prices and extra profits, especially for providers of green electricity, which is actually cheap.

Lindner again spoke out against a special tax on excessive profits from energy companies. Other European countries would have problems with such taxes. One must rule out “in the market design” that extra returns would arise, for example, on the electricity market.

Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) pointed to the oppressive situation for many companies in industry, trade and medium-sized businesses. In many companies there is sheer fear. It is therefore also a matter of giving companies development prospects. All in all, Germany is “well prepared for the winter” due to the timely government action in the looming gas crisis.


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