Coalition agreement: This is how the CDU, AfD and the Left are responding

Union, AfD and Left
“Lack of departure”, “yellow handwriting”: This is how the opposition reacts to the coalition agreement

“We do not recognize the departure,” said Union parliamentary group leader Ralph Brinkhaus (archive image)

© Kay Nietfeld

The traffic light parties have presented the coalition agreement. As expected, the 177-page timetable does not only meet with approval from the opposition parties. The reactions of the CDU, the AfD and the left.

The SPD, Greens and FDP agree: The traffic light parties have presented their coalition agreement on 177 pages. The distribution of the ministries has also already been determined.

The future opposition, consisting of the CDU / CSU, AfD and the Left, is already criticizing itself.

Union: “We do not see the departure”

The CDU / CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag views the coalition agreement between the traffic light parties with concern. “We do not recognize the departure,” said the parliamentary group leader Ralph Brinkhaus (CDU) on Wednesday in Berlin. There are generous promises – such as a socio-political “expenditure boom” – but the necessary counter-financing is missing: “We don’t see how that is financially supported.”

CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt warned that the SPD, Greens and FDP would create numerous loopholes for taking on new debts. At the same time, he warned against the traffic light plans for immigration: According to him, there is a threat of new incentives that would lead to significantly more migration to Germany.

The CSU has also offered the traffic light parties a constructive cooperation, for example in the fight against the corona crisis – but also announced a critical opposition policy. General Secretary Markus Blume wishes the new Ampel government all the best with their work and the tasks ahead. “Because in the end it is now about Germany.”

AfD criticizes “left project”

The federal government planned by the SPD, Greens and FDP is, from the AfD’s point of view, a “left-wing project” in which the FDP only serves as an “appendage”. In their coalition agreement that has now been submitted, the traffic light parties are now promising “prosperity for everyone, limits for nobody,” said AfD chairman Tino Chrupalla.

As a result, there was soon a threat of “social upheaval”. Germany is becoming more and more of a “migration magnet” and a “socialist governess state”, in which the citizens are penned and asked to pay for a green “climate ideology”.

Left: “coalition agreement bears yellow handwriting”

Left parliamentary group leader Dietmar Bartsch criticized the influence of the FDP in particular on the coalition agreement of the three traffic light parties. “The coalition agreement bears yellow handwriting,” said Bartsch after the contract was published on Wednesday of the German press agency.

“For the first time, the content of a federal government is being led by an 11.5 percent party.” Bartsch said: “No tax reform, no pension reform, no citizens’ insurance and no relief on energy costs.” Before the election, all three parties had promised tax relief for small and medium-sized incomes – the coalition agreement was “voter fraud” in this respect.


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