Coalition agreement signed: first staging, then everyday business

Status: 07.12.2021 1:40 p.m.

“Awakening”, “Time of Action”, “Government for the People” – the coalition partners didn’t save with pathos when they signed their contract at the Futurium in Berlin. But after the show came the questions of detail.

By Uli Hauck, ARD capital studio

“Have a nice good morning! This should be a morning when we leave for a new government,” said Chancellor-designate Olaf Scholz, welcoming those present. This departure was carefully staged: the coalition agreement was signed in the Futurium – a museum for research and future issues. After ten minutes everything was wrapped up.

“Now is the time for action,” promises future Finance Minister Christian Lindner. “We said we want to dare to make more progress. From this week we want to work on progress.” And the future Minister of Economic Affairs, Robert Habeck, added that “from today one is a government for the people in Germany”. And this government must first cope with the corona crisis.

In addition, the major structural changes are at the center of government work, Habeck said. “And that is certainly above all to bring the largest industrial nation in Europe on a climate-neutral course. To think climate neutrality and prosperity together and to bring them together.” This task will be faced together.

SPD, Greens and FDP sign coalition agreement

Daniel Pokraka, ARD Berlin, daily news 12:00 p.m., December 7th, 2021

Everyday political life follows in the Federal Press Conference

After the friendly, but largely interchangeable statements on the coalition agreement, the freshly minted coalition members appeared together for the first time at the federal press conference. Scholz, Lindner and Habeck were confronted there with everyday political business.

In terms of future relations with China or Russia, the statements were not very specific. After all, Scholz addressed Russia clearly in the Ukraine crisis and expressed concern about the Russian troop deployment on the Ukrainian border.

The future traffic light government initially did not want to join the US diplomatic boycott of the Olympic Games against China. First they want to consult, says Scholz: “And that also means that we consult very carefully with ourselves and with our partners in Europe and the world about the question of what happens in a specific situation and not do that at press conferences, the style they won’t get to know. “

The budget has to be drawn up

In addition to the permanent foreign policy issues of China and Russia, a budget also needs to be drawn up for 2022. Here Lindner wants to get by with the planned new debt of 100 billion euros.

However, unused money should also be made available for the following years: “In addition, it is to be feared that many necessary measures that would have served climate protection and the transformation of the economy, society and the state could not be implemented.” Which is why one wants to use the funds for this – “with strict consideration and observance of the constitution”.

As expected, the first press conference of the future federal government left a few questions unanswered. That was not surprising, however, because, as is well known, government business will not begin until tomorrow: after Scholz has been elected and the ministers have been sworn in.

Signing of the coalition agreement

Uli Hauck, ARD Berlin, December 7th, 2021 1:12 p.m.

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