Closure of a college in Teich due to the “significant proliferation of mold”

Symptoms causing eye irritation, coughing and headache have been noted. But this time, it is not the Covid-19 which is the cause of this closure of the establishment …

Due to the “contamination of several interior spaces and the significant proliferation of mold, potentially pathogenic in the short term for sensitive people (especially asthma) and in the longer term for people exposed daily”, the prefect of the Gironde announces this Monday “the closure of the Val-des-Pins college in the town of Teich until Sunday, November 7 inclusive. “

“Global disinfection of the college”

According to the Institut Pasteur website, fungi belonging to the genus Aspergillus, whose spores are carried by the air and are inhaled by all people, “can cause different forms of yeast infection”, even though they are “harmless to the majority of the population. ” According to
South West, the first fungus in the establishment was found on August 24, by agents who were preparing for the start of the school year. Six classes were initially closed, but mold has since gained ground.

The closure period will allow “to eliminate health risks, to treat the humidity of the building, to improve the ventilation of the contaminated rooms and to carry out an overall disinfection of the college. During this time, the lessons will be given at a distance.

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