Climate protection: The loudest companies are not necessarily the greenest – Economy

Corporations must work harder to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. The goals are often ambitious, but implementation is lacking, criticizes the New Climate Institute in a new study.

Everything is nice and green, or at least that’s how the publications of many companies read. This is what the managers sound like in their speeches. Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! The world’s largest corporations are still doing too little to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees compared to pre-industrial levels. This is the conclusion reached by the nonprofit organizations’ most recent Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor New Climate Institute from Berlin in collaboration with Carbon Market Watch from Brussels. Their analysts took a close look at the strategies of 20 companies and also updated assessments from previous years. In total there are 51 companies, which accounted for twelve percent of global greenhouse gas emissions in 2022. Those who claim loudest to be at the forefront of climate protection are not necessarily really prime, the monitor found.

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