Climate protection – solar systems and rental tickets – Munich district

More photovoltaic systems on community roofs, a funding program for energy saving and a climate ticket to borrow: These are the demands made by the parliamentary groups of the SPD and the Greens in the Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn municipal council. In their applications, they unanimously refer to the goals of a climate protection community, to which the community declared itself almost a year ago. At that time, the local council decided that climate protection should be a guiding principle for all future decisions.

This decision was preceded by a motion from the Greens, who are now targeting the roofs of the municipal buildings. According to their application, they should be “equipped with photovoltaic systems across the board, provided that the installation is technically and statically possible”. The last time it was examined was a few years ago which municipal roofs are suitable for generating solar power, argue the Greens. In view of the technical progress in the area, a “comprehensive reassessment” is now needed. Specifically, the parliamentary group names the senior citizen center, the Erich Kästner school, the multi-purpose hall and the community kindergarten. And if certain flat roofs are not suitable for photovoltaic systems because of the statics, “it must be checked whether green roofs are possible,” according to the application.

The SPD is making two advances in terms of climate protection. She suggests that the municipality purchase one or more monthly tickets from the Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft (MVG). These “climate tickets” are then to be lent to citizens for a small amount using an electronic booking system on the municipality’s website – as a “low-threshold offer” to encourage them to use local public transport. On the other hand, the SPD is calling for a community support program to save energy and develop renewable energies. This is intended to offer citizens financial incentives when investing in climate protection. “There are neighboring communities,” said Anita Reiprich (SPD) when presenting the application to the local council, “they have had such a funding program for years.”


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