Climate protection in the new federal government – knowledge

Will the traffic light coalition be able to meet expectations? An online event of the SZ with the Green Bundestag member Dieter Janecek, climate researcher Anders Levermann and activist Anja Paolucci.

For the first time in a long time, the Greens will again be involved in a federal government. The expectations are high: The coming years – this is not only the opinion of activists but also scientists – will be decisive if global warming is to be limited to an almost tolerable level. There is enough to do: the traffic turnaround has to be initiated, the coal phase-out has to succeed, many more buildings than before have to be refurbished, massive wind and solar systems have to be built. Germany can also make a difference at the EU level, if it wants to. And last but not least, the citizens must be taken along with all of this.

But will the traffic light coalition, will the Greens be able to meet these expectations, or will they fail because of the political reality? Is a policy of small steps still sufficient, or does one have to act much more radically? And what threatens humanity if the climate change does not succeed soon?

Climate researchers will discuss this on December 7th at 7.30 p.m. Not Levermann, the Fridays for Future activist Anja Paolucci and the Green MP Dieter Janecek with Marlene White, Head of the SZ Science Department.

Viewers can participate in the discussion and ask questions live. To do this, go to the website and enter the hashtag (#): szimdialog a.

The event will be broadcast as a live stream. Here it goes for free registration.

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