Climate protection in the district: adaptation concept is making progress – Ebersberg

The question of how to deal with the consequences of climate change in the district is currently occupying a number of experts. They are working on the climate adaptation concept, and now another conference has taken place. According to the district office, the aim is to be able to implement the first measures as early as next year.

Various actors from the district are currently working with the Berlin company Green Adapt to develop the climate change adaptation concept for the district of Ebersberg. Representatives from the District Office, the Water Management Office, the Office for Food, Agriculture and Forestry and from municipal administrations recently met for a second workshop and discussed potential measures and suggestions.

Extreme weather in particular will occur more frequently

“Consequences of climate change are unavoidable and are already being felt. For example, there will be a significant increase in extreme weather events, heat days and heavy rain events will increase in frequency and intensity, while water levels will drop in dry phases,” says climate protection manager Lisa Rütgers. “In order to be as well prepared as possible on site for the consequences of climate change, the district of Ebersberg is having the climate adaptation concept drawn up, which is then to be implemented from 2023,” explains Rütgers further. As with climate protection, everyone bears responsibility: district and local politicians, local government, companies, clubs and associations and citizens. Measures that the district can implement under its own responsibility should be the focus of the development of the concept. It is financed from the climate protection program Bavaria 2050.

District Administrator Robert Niedergesäß thanked everyone who was involved in the process of developing the concept: “Up until now, apart from a few incidents, our district has been spared major disasters caused by climate change. But there have also been floods, extreme hail events and heat waves, which put a strain on people and reduced harvest yields in agriculture. We have to act and we want to do this in a structured way and with combined forces. That’s why a concept that identifies and prioritizes the most diverse fields of action is helpful.”

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