Climate crisis: Climate activists are disrupting traffic nationwide

climate crisis
Climate activists are disrupting traffic nationwide

The police carry away an activist from the Last Generation group who, with others, has blocked the lanes around the Victory Column in Berlin. photo

© Paul Zinken/dpa

Protests by the Last Generation group paralyze traffic at important points in numerous major cities in Germany. Some activists wear masks by Scholz, Wissing and Habeck.

Climate activists of the last generation have blocked traffic in several German cities at important points. In cities like Berlin, Leipzig, Dresden and Braunschweig protesters glued themselves to the road on Friday – some wore masks showing Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) and Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens). They held up banners that read, “We’re breaking the law.” According to the group, the reason for the protest was the “breach of the climate protection law by the government”.

According to the latest generation, at least 36 sit-ins were planned in 26 cities throughout Germany. “The federal government is breaking the law and leading our society to collapse,” said the group’s spokeswoman, Carla Rochel. “It is our democratic duty to resist peacefully.”

Motorists take sidewalks

Traffic was massively blocked in several places in Berlin. Among other things, more than a dozen activists protested at the roundabout around the Victory Column, as a dpa reporter observed. Several people stuck to the road there, blocking Hofjägerallee and Straße des 17. Juni in the direction of the Brandenburg Gate. According to the dpa reporter, numerous drivers tried to avoid the blockade by driving on the sidewalks. After a good hour, traffic at the Victory Column was back to normal.

The last generation announced that there were also actions near Berlin Central Station. According to the police, activists also temporarily blocked traffic at the Dorotheenstrasse/Ebertstrasse intersection in Mitte, not far from the Reichstag building. There was also a sticking action on a street in downtown Potsdam.

Blockades in Dresden ended

In Dresden, six activists blocked Washingtonstrasse in the direction of the city center, the police said. Some of them glued themselves to the street. In the north of Leipzig, activists blocked federal highway 2. Both sit-ins were ended by the police.

In Braunschweig, activists blocked a street in the city center during rush hour. There was criticism of this from the Lower Saxony state government. “According to the Prime Minister, this is harmful to climate protection,” said a spokeswoman for Stephan Weil (SPD). Climate protection is a major task for society as a whole. “If you then antagonize large parts of society, that doesn’t help the cause.”

On Thursday, activists paralyzed the airports in Hamburg and Düsseldorf for several hours by overcoming the fences, running onto the runways and sticking themselves near the runways. In Hamburg, air traffic was completely suspended for a few hours on the first day of vacation. Several flights were diverted or delayed in Düsseldorf.


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