Climate column: Is it too hot for holidays in southern Europe? – Knowledge

Spain, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro: For regions in all of these countries, the EU Emergency Response Coordination Center (ERCC) issued “Red Alert” this week, a heat warning due to temperatures exceeding 40 degrees. In Greece, which is also groaning under a heatwave, the forests are burning. My colleagues from the data team have compiled how high the risk of forest fires is in Germany and the rest of Europe (SZ Plus).

The school holidays begin this weekend in three federal states and many families are likely to be anxiously looking at the weather maps. In the past, the question in advance was more like: Will it also be warm and sunny? Now rather: Isn’t that too hot? Can we stand it?

More and more people seem to be answering no to the last question, as recent data from the European Travel Commission (ETC) suggests. Accordingly, the number of people who want to travel to southern Europe from June to November fell by ten percent compared to the previous year. Countries such as the Czech Republic, Denmark and Ireland, on the other hand, saw a leap in interest. Global warming could therefore massively divert tourist flows to cooler regions. The right summer hit (how about “Hey, off to the north”, dear music industry?) has yet to be written.

Linked to the choice of travel destination is of course the means of travel. Some wonder whether traveling by plane is still reasonable given the climate footprint of air travel. But, hand on heart: many others don’t care at all. Just like the head of department who was accompanied by my colleague Elisa Schwarz. He flies 80 times a year, and if necessary also from Frankfurt to Munich. flight shame? Oh what (SZ Plus).

If you are about to start your vacation and have booked something in southern Europe, the colleagues from the travel department can help you. They have put together tips on how to survive the hot days (SZ Plus).

(This text is from the weekly Newsletter climate friday you here for free can order.)

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