Climate change: Fridays for Future denounces misguided climate policy

climate change
Fridays for Future denounces misguided climate policy

Luisa Neubauer from Fridays for Future gives an outlook on planned campaigns in 2022. Photo: Roland Weihrauch/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Fridays for Future want to continue to put pressure on the federal government to make concrete progress in combating climate change. The climate movement announces massive resistance to this.

The climate movement Fridays for Future has accused the federal government of acting completely inadequately against ongoing climate change and growing environmental destruction.

“It can’t go on like this,” said Luisa Neubauer at the Fridays for Future annual kick-off event on Friday in the Oberhausen Gasometer. “The climate situation is dramatic. It’s 2022 and the decade when global emissions must be halved. But in the last two years they have even increased.”

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and the government must also “stop this greenwashing at European level” and show with a national exit from fossil gas by 2035 that “the energy transition is not only necessary, but possible.”

Massive opposition to climate policy

The activists have announced massive resistance to what they consider to be a completely misguided climate policy this year, in order to put further pressure on those responsible. “After 40 years of political ignorance” there is no more time for half-hearted compromises.

Fridays for Future set an initial example on Friday in Oberhausen with a protest against the planned expansion of the A2 and A3 motorways and the associated deforestation of a large piece of forest in the Sterkrade district. Several hundred activists wanted to meet in the afternoon to march through Oberhausen. The organizations expected up to 1000 participants. For the highway expansion, 5,000 trees are to be removed from an area of ​​eleven hectares of forest.


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