Climate: Cabinet adopts national water strategy

Cabinet adopts national water strategy

The mountain stream Pöllat in the Alps carries only little water. In view of the often low snow cover and the lack of rain in February, according to experts, massive drought is imminent. photo

© Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/dpa

In the course of the climate crisis, water is already becoming scarce in some regions. The government is planning an action program to ensure a sustainable supply. But environmentalists are “horrified”.

In order to secure the future water supply in Germany despite the consequences of climate change, the federal government has launched a national water strategy. On Wednesday, the cabinet approved a draft by Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke (Greens), which includes an action program with around 80 measures. Among other things, water storage in the municipalities is to be improved and a nationwide guideline is to be prepared in the event of a water shortage.

“Water is of immense importance to all of us,” said Lemke on Wednesday after the cabinet meeting in Berlin. You have to adapt to the changes caused by the climate crisis. The water supply will be different.

According to the Ministry of the Environment, the strategy is designed for the period up to 2050 – the first measures are to be implemented gradually in the years up to 2030.

There was sharp criticism from the campaign organization Campact: the strategy had been completely gutted. Priority for the drinking water supply was clearly defined in previous drafts. The new paper now contains the addition that the production of food and animal feed should also be permanently ensured. They were appalled “that the Minister for the Environment did not oppose anything against the industry,” the organization said.

BMUV on the National Water Strategy


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